Do not take your new puppy out in public, he/she is not fully up-to-date on vaccinations; therefore, extremely susceptible to illnesses carried by other animals. They may go to family & friends homes – as long as their animals are up-to-date on their vaccines.
If your puppy has not had his/her 2nd or 3rd round of vaccinations, you will receive a medical record with due dates and instructions on scheduling from within 6 days of adoption.
Pay special attention to the dates on the medical record you receive. You MUST FOLLOW these dates, they are not negotiable.
Email 3 days prior to the due date of your pets vaccinations to schedule a time/date for vaccinations.
If you new pet has not been spayed/neutered you will receive a medical record with the date your pet is scheduled for his/her spay/neuter. YOU MUST BRING YOUR PET TO THE LOCATION ON THE RECORD YOU RECEIVE ON THE SCHEDULED DAY & TIME. THE DATE AND TIME ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE.
Please be sure to follow all instructions as listed on the medication. If you lose medication, it is your responsibility to pay for replacement medication.
Your new puppy has not been without his/her litter mates, so it will be natural for them to be a little “lonely” – put them in a small/enclosed area, if possible drape a sheet or towel over their crate or kennel – that should help the puppy feel more secure.
After your pet has received his/her rabies vaccination, take the certificate to your city shelter/offices to register the animal. Registered animals are more likely to be returned to the owner in the event they escape or are lost. Put the odds in the animal's favor and register your pets. .
Heartworm Prevention:
Take the vaccination sheet to your vet before the below date to purchase Heartworm Prevention.
Worms: It is common for puppies to have at least one of the following types or worms: round (look like spaghetti), tape (flat and resemble rice when they dry) or hook (not usually visible in feces but their effects appear in the form of blood spots/streams). LHS does treat animals in their care for worms, but there is a chance of reoccurrence. If you notice any of the above within 5 days of adoption contact Molly Brodnax at to treat accordingly. They are only transferable to humans or other pets by consuming the infected feces.
Most importantly, enjoy and love your new family member!