Lindsey’s Story submitted by Jessica Lee:
Hello, my name is Jessica Lee. I would like to ask that you please consider helping my family to pay for one of our bassets to have surgery done. Her name is Lindsey. She is one of our four furry babies. When we adopted Lindsey, she had a tennis ball sized tumor on her back. The people that we adopted her from gladly paid to have it removed shortly after her adoption. We did not expect this to be a reoccurring issue. Since Lindsey’s adoption, she has had nine surgeries to remove these tumors that often burst and cause her pain. Every time we have some removed, it seems that more grow in its place. She often times has 5-6 tumors removed at a time. They are not cancerous, but they are quite an inconvenience for her. She is currently in need of a tenth surgery to remove more tumors. Each of these surgeries cost about $400.
My mom would do anything for her dogs. We often times joke that she loves them more than her own children. But, with four dogs, things can become quite expensive. One of our dogs has skin allergies due to certain dog foods; so all of our dogs eat the very expensive dog food to help clear up his skin. They all have their regular vet visits, which include shots and vaccines. And they all take heartworm and tick medication regularly. All of these necessary expenses begin to add up. It is becoming more difficult to pay for Lindsey’s surgeries when she needs them.
I have had three sinus surgeries to remove polyps and my mother is a breast cancer survivor. So, between the two of us, you can imagine the medical bills that we have accumulated. We have insurance, but it never really seems to be enough. My dad has been informed that he will be losing his job soon due to company downsizing. We will have to be cutting down on our spending and Lindsey’s surgery will probably have to be put on hold. Like I said, my mother would do anything for her furry babies, so if we cannot get this financial help, Lindsey’s surgery will eventually be put on a credit card and that will be one more bill to add to the pile. Our dogs mean the world to us and we love them very much. I could not pass up this opportunity to ask for some help to keep our dogs healthy. Please help us out. We would truly be forever grateful!
Thank you for your consideration,
Jessica Lee
Lindsey’s needs list:
$800 for: Veternarian bills for lump removal, food, anual boosters, year of heartworm prevention, and heartworm test..
Lindsey’s wish list:
Bed, treats and toys
How to help: We ask that you either make monetary donations via the chip in link and LHS will see to it that the money is used according to the families needs and wishes (i.e. pay vet directly or purcahse items and give to them) or you can drop off items on the wish list to: 5593 Emerson Ct, Fairview, TX 75069. Please place on porch and label the bag accordingly (i.e. Family #1) so we know who to give the items to.
Thank you so much for your efforts to uplift and help a family and their fur kids in need this holiday season!! If you have any questions, please email