Tater entered the LHS adoption program after coming from a home that neglected him so severely that friends of the owners talked them into surrendering him to LHS. It was at this point that he was nursed back to health, treated for heartworms, treated for a severe ear infection, neutered and put on some well deserved pounds to get him to a healthy weight. He was adopted on 7/20/2012, 40 days after entering our program. His adoptive family has spent over $3,000 treating his chronic ear infection and the other dog that recently passed away from cancer. The community rallied behind Tater’s story and we were able to raise the funds needed to give him the surgery he needed (see complete story below).
Today the adopter was told that his other ear is at the point of no return. His last hope is to have lateral re-sectioning of his ear canal at a cost of $700. With the debt mounting he is not able to afford the surgery and contact LHS for help. He loves Tater and does not want to give him back but he knows that he is suffering and needs to have the surgery.
The cost of the surgery piled on top of a years worth of medical bills for the laser treatment is not something that his adopters can afford so they have reached out to LHS and our extensive network to help get him the surgery he needs.
History of Tater’s case from July 2012:
Tater had his ear surgery and it went better than expected! The total bill is $1400 for everything. He has MUCH relief on his ears and is expected to make a full recovery. The bleeding is under control and the infection is gone. He will be going home on Monday:) We only have $300 to go! Even $5 donations go a long way. Please donate and share his story so we can reach out goal. Thank you all for your support!
Tater is at the vet today for his consultation and ear surgery. The infection is so bad that they are needing to do a more invasive treatment prior to the lateral ear resection surgery. There is blood literally pouring out of his ears and the infection is so bad. The home cleaning and antibiotics are not working to clean up the infection so at this point he is needing hospitalization and Cold Laser Surgery for 10 days. He will receive two treatments a day to get the ear in shape for surgery that has been rescheduled for Jul 12th. Now that our surgical vet has been able to see him in person it has been decided that the surgery is more invasive than originally projected. Below is the total cost that is needed to cover his treatment.
$600 per ear for lateral ear resection $20 a day boarding/hospitalization (10 days) $40 cold laser ear therapy two times a day for 10 days Cortizone injection.
Unfortunately after Tater’s last surgery he suddenly passed away. 🙁 His dad is needing help to pay off Tater’s vet bill.