Charli’s Story submitted by Leirer Sulli:
Charli was rescued by LHS from a hoarding situation when she was in her mama’s belly. Soon after intake to our program, her senior mom had three babies. One of the pups died soon after birth and the 2nd passed away randomly at 6 weeks of age.
Charli was the last baby alive! A heart murmur was detected on both mom and Charli; The doctors suspect the common birth defect was the reason the other two passed away as well. Charli was taken in for an ultrasound and confirmed the stage 6 heart murmur. The veterinary experts at A&M did a comprehensive exam and feel she is a great candidate for surgery to save her life. Without the surgery, she will not likely see her first Birthday.
The ultra sound was $500 and the cost for her open heart surgery is $3000. Please help contribute to Charli’s care so we can give her the life saving surgery she needs!
Charli’s needs list:
To pay for Ultra Sound and Heart Surgery billsCharli’s wish list:
Food, treats and toys**Update on Charli – 2/4/2012:
Charli had her surgery yesterday and is in recovery. She is doing great and expected to live a long happy life! Please help us pay for her life saving surgery.
How to help: We ask that you either make monitary donations via the chip in link and LHS will see to it that the money is used according to the families needs and wishes (i.e. pay vet directly or purchse items and give to them) or you can drop off items on the wish list to: 5593 Emerson Ct, Fairview, TX 75069. Please place on porch and label the bag accordingly (i.e. Family #5) so we know who to give the items to.Thank you so much for your efforts to uplift and help a family and their fur kids in need this holiday season!! If you have any questions, please email pres@LegacyHumaneSociety.org