Laura’s Story submitted by Beverly Travis:
I would like to nominate Laura and Ken Sutherland for one of your recipients in your “All I want for Christmas is a Bone…” contest. I have know Laura and Ken for over 20 years and participated with one or both of them in many events at our church, Unity Church of Dallas.
Laura expressed their needs to me in her own words, please see the following:
“Well, to be honest WE could use help of this kind. We HAD to have dental work done on Sadie, our Jack Russell/Shi Tzu mix – deep cleaning and 2 extractions and that along with the antibiotics have put us in a real bind financially. Ken’s Parkinson’s has made him unable to produce any kind of income and what I make certainly isn’t getting’ it done! The Vet let us put the charge for the dental work on our “account” but we have other vet bills from the past year on that account already. Our Vet, Dr. Jamie Ahumada at A & B Animal Clinic, has been so kind. But we really need to pay off this large debt, and just cannot afford to do so. Our kitty, Lilly has not had a check up in almost 2 years for the same reason.”“The specific need for us is to pay off the balance of $486.65 to A & B Animal Clinic. They have been very generous to us and our fur babies over this entire year. The amount stated above is mainly for dental work for Sadie. However, there is also some cost for the diagnostics for Rusty, our Pom, whom we had to have A & B put down this summer due to a non-operable, cancerous tumor that leaked blood into his stomach. We also need to get Lilly, our kitty, into the vet for her long overdue shots and check-up.”
“I would also like to assure you and LHS that we are active in helping our animals on a local level. I am an advocate for the abolishment of Puppy Mills. Almost every Saturday, I protest along with my cohorts on Preston Road north of Forest near the curb of the strip mall that houses Petland, a known purveyor of puppy mill dogs. Ken and I have fostered dogs over the past 10 years. Since 2011 have we been unable to do so due to our financial constraints. One of our favorites was Maya, a senior Pug we fostered then ended up adopting from DFW Pug Rescue. We just fell madly in love with her. She was only with us for 6 months before she had to be put down due to a cancerous legion complicated by diabetes.”
I truly feel that Laura and Kenny are more then qualified to be a recipient of your program this year.
Sadie, Rusty and Lilly’s needs list:
Veternarian bills due to dental work and antibiotics. Shots and checkups.Sadie, Rusty and Lilly’s wish list:
Food, treats and toysHow to help: We ask that you either make monitary donations via the chip in link and LHS will see to it that the money is used according to the families needs and wishes (i.e. pay vet directly or purchse items and give to them) or you can drop off items on the wish list to: 5593 Emerson Ct, Fairview, TX 75069. Please place on porch and label the bag accordingly (i.e. Family #1) so we know who to give the items to.Thank you so much for your efforts to uplift and help a family and their fur kids in need this holiday season!! If you have any questions, please email pres@LegacyHumaneSocitey.org