Traci’s Story submitted by Karen Goss:
Hi There
I wanted to tell you about a friend of mine who could truly use the help that you all are offering. Her name is Traci and she rescues boxers. She volunteers with a local group here in the metroplex, LBR. So far she has fostered 30 dogs. She started doing this in 2011 when she lost her girl Tori.
Traci has an 11 year old boxer name Powder. He got sick this year and it’s taken a lot of testing and false starts to find out what was wrong with him. He has now been officially diagnosed with Sadie, our Jack Russell/Shi Tzu mix – deep cleaning and 2 extractions and that along autoimmune disease. He is on meds for this which help but is still declining. THey will be losing him, I’m sorry to say. THey have maxed out there Credit Care card to keep him going and I know they could use help getting that paid off. THis month the high interest rates are going to start and that’s going to hurt them even more.
Along with Powder, Traci and her family have 3 other boxers. Lacey, their 4 year old girl, has kidney disease and requires a special prescribed food to control it. They have Boomer who is a well and healthy 2 year old and last Thor who is also 2. Thor is a pistol and in to everything. that can be proven by his two emergency trips to the vet. One for tearing his dew claw out and the second for eating a toy.
All 4 of these dogs are rescued dogs. Powder was adopted from the FW animal shelter in 2003. Lacey was a foster that Traci ended up keeping for several reasons. Along with her kidney disease, Lacey also has severe stranger danger. She had been so badly abused Traci didn’t know how she could take her to meet new families without stressing her out more. Plus, she fell in love with her. Boomer belonged to a friend who had sold him and when he had to come back home she wasn’t able to keep him so Traci and her family took him and he stayed. Thor was another foster. At the time Thor was ready to go up for adoption, Powder started getting sick. At first the vet didn’t think Powder was going to make it. Traci was heart broken over losing Powder and then the thought of Thor leaving made it even worse. She had had Thor a while and nursed him through a hard surgery. Her friends got together and adopted Thor for her so she could keep him.
I know they have had their cable suspended, cancelled insurance on some things and sacrificed personally to keep up with things and maintain the dogs and their two sons. They joke that they eat generic food so the dogs can have the good stuff. They could really use a helping hand right now.
Most of this I got from Traci and some from her sister and friends. I wasn’t sure about sharing her personal stuff but her sister said it would really help them. I hope you all might consider helping Traci and her family. They love their dogs and would never think of letting them go but it’s been a tough year for them for sure.
Thank You For Your Consideration,
Karen Goss
Powder, Lacey, Boomer and Thor’s needs list:
Prescription dog food, heartworm prevention, heartworm test, vaccinations for all four dogs, assistance with the credit card bill, treats and toys
Powder, Lacey, Boomer and Thor’s wish list:
Food, treats and toys
How to help: We ask that you either make monitary donations via the chip in link and LHS will see to it that the money is used according to the families needs and wishes (i.e. pay vet directly or purchse items and give to them) or you can drop off items on the wish list to: 5593 Emerson Ct, Fairview, TX 75069. Please place on porch and label the bag accordingly (i.e. Family #1) so we know who to give the items to.
Thank you so much for your efforts to uplift and help a family and their fur kids in need this holiday season!! If you have any questions, please email